I have recently moved from Washington to Texas. Any time there is a big move there are things that are different from one place to the next. I knew this going into the move, however I thought in my chosen field of Early Childhood Education that some constants were true in each state. Boy, I have been wrong. One of the absolutely biggest shocks to me is the fact that some states still allow children to be spanked at school. When my sibling reported that a child in the school she worked for was spanked, I was floored. The first thing out of my mouth was that can’t be legal. I mean even going back to when I was in High School (30 years ago), spanking was being band as a form of corporal punishment in schools.
Therefore, I decided to do some research. I was shocked to find that there are currently 19 states that still allow spanking to occur in school. They are Idaho, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas, Indiana, Kentucky, Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, and Louisiana. What do you think/know about spanking in school? |
Diana Atkinson, Administator:According to research done by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) dealing with this level of stress can “make it harder for staff to serve as models and meet the needs of children and families” (Whitaker, 2013, p. 1). Archives |